Thursday, 31 May 2007 16:00

Pastor's Corner Pastor Larry June 2007

Written by  Lorsen Koo
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Pastor's Corner by Pastor Larry Tong


June 2007


Happy Father’s Day! I hope you will set aside a wonderful day to celebrate this special day. I read a story about an Olympian by the name of Bill Havens. He was selected to represent the United States to compete in a “Single Canoeing Event” in the 1924 Summer Olympics. He was good; in fact, everyone expected him to bring back the gold medal for the country. However, a few months before the Olympics, Havens learned that his wife was due to give birth sometime during the Games. He had a decision to make: the opportunity of a lifetime or . . . the opportunity of a lifetime. Difficult choice! He made his decision. He stayed home to wait for his child. The team left for Paris to the games without him. On August 1, 1924, his son Frank was born—four days after the Games.


Fast forward through all those summers when Bill Havens probably heard the results from every Olympic canoeing event and wondered if he’d made the right decision. In the summer of 1952, Havens received a telegram from Helsinki, where the Olympic Games was held that summer. The telegram read: “Dear Dad . . . Thanks for waiting around for me to get born in 1924. I’m coming home with the gold medal you should have won.” It was signed, “Your loving son, Frank.” Frank Havens had just won the gold medal in the ten-thousand-meter singles canoeing event.

As I was reading the story, many thoughts flashed in my mind. Was it too much for this father to forfeit the opportunity of his lifetime to have a chance to win the Olympics gold just to be around for the birth of his son? Wouldn’t it been better if he show his son the gold medal he would have won? What would be my choice if I were in his situation? This brings me back to my own experience when my daughter was born over twenty-years ago. It was on a Saturday, and I was unable to find anyone from work to take my shift. After settling my wife in the hospital, I had to reluctantly leave her for work. In a way I had no choice, but after all these years, I still feel that I owe my daughter something. I don’t think anything would change from me being there (I won’t go into the delivery room, anyway), but to me, there was a void somehow. I just can’t explain it.


Decision making is, at times, very difficult. We are faced with decisions, big or small, throughout the day. Some don’t have long lasting effects, while others leave a permanent mark in our life-history. Bearing the name of a father is easy, but to be a father isn’t as simple as it sounds. To be an effective father is even harder. I read a book by Ken Canfield, entitled The 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers. Without going into any detail, I’ll just give you the chapter title and let you think about it on your own. They are Commitment; Knowing your child; Consistency; Protecting and Providing; Loving their mother; Active listening; and Spiritual Equipping. While you celebrate Father’s Day this month, as children, thank your father for what he has done for you; he has a difficult job, therefore, respect him. As fathers, think about which area you can improve so that you may be a more effective father.


Before I sign off, I would like to invite you to know God as your Heavenly Father. To show His love for you, He made a decision to sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross to pay for the penalty of Sin so that by believing in Jesus, you may have Eternal Life. Will you make a decision to accept God as your Father?


Pastor Larry

Last modified on Friday, 09 July 2010 23:09

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