Tuesday, 31 October 2006 16:00

Pastor's Corner Pastor Larry November 2006

Written by  Lorsen Koo
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Pastor's Corner by Larry Tong


November, 2006


Last Sunday, my family and I went to San Rafael after the Discipleship class. While the children were enjoying an late afternoon nap in the car, I enjoyed the time just being together. As we approached the Toll-booth on Richmond Bridge, something unexpected happened that took me a little aback. We were recipients of someone’s act of kindness. As I handed my fee to the toll collector, he said, “It’d been paid for.” I said, “What! Who paid?” “The lady in front of you.” I looked up and saw a red SUV pulling away as we spoke. I asked my family if any one of them recognizes the car. The response was “No!” So I sped up and tried to find out who this lady was, but due to the bridge construction, I wasn’t able to pass her, so I patiently followed her. It was almost to the end of the bridge before I could switch to the adjacent lane and sped up to driving next to her. I looked over and realized she was a total stranger to me. I waived and gave her a “thank-you” gesture, and went on my way. For the next few minutes, we talked about how nice it was for this lady to do something kind to others. It wasn’t the three dollars I saved that thrilled me, but the act of kindness of a person. I remembered there was a movement a few years back that called something like “Do a random act of kindness.” It was a suggestion for people to do something nice to others, preferably strangers, so as to promote kindness in society. I always thought it was a good idea to surprise others with a random act of kindness. Unfortunately, these kinds of acts of kindness are far and few in between. Therefore, it was such a breath of freshness to see someone is actually doing it, and out of all these people, we were the recipients!


It also reminded me of the movie Pay It Forward that was aired few years ago. The movie was about a young student who did a class-project to invest kind deeds to people in hope of making the world better. The idea was if I would do kind deeds to a few, and the few in turn do kind deeds to a few, very soon, the whole society would feel the impact. It was a good movie. This world (at least this society) will be different if more people participate in random acts of kindness to strangers.


Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away. Have we really thought of the meaning of Thanksgiving rather than having family reunion around dinner table covered with ham, turkey, yams, and other delicious food? Thanksgiving is a season to be thankful to God for His provision. In order to really show our appreciation, maybe we should extend our gratefulness to people beyond our families. Maybe we really should extend random acts of kindness to strangers. Think about it!


Before I sign off, I wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time with your families. Most importantly, thank God not only for the provisions He has given you so that you can enjoy a good life, but for the most precious gift of all—His Son Jesus Christ. If you’re yet to know Jesus Christ as your Savior, I pray that you will know Him one day for He came to give you Life, and have it to the full.


Pastor Larry

Last modified on Friday, 09 July 2010 23:09

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