August, 2008
Sunday School Faire
This year we will have a special Sunday School Faire on August 10, immediately following Chinese worship. There will be BBQ and games. The purpose for this special event is to promote various Sunday school classes to the congregations, and it will be re-enforced through preaching on that day as well. We extend a warm welcome to all of you, so that you may meet all the department members and the teachers. Let’s have a blast!
Building Project Updates
The steel workers are back to work on site. It seems the works are slow in coming, and the Building Project Committee has been working with the General Constructor to push the project forward as much as they can. Hopefully, by the end of August, the roof will be completed.
In the meantime, we are still working to obtain a letter from the school district for submittal to a Conditional Use Permit to retain the current multi-purpose building. For an unknown reason, the person-in-charge hasn’t been able to draft the letter. The Committee is also investigating on a back-up plan for off-site parking. Instead of having over 100 parking spaces, the alternative site only has fifty-six spaces.
Please do continue to pray for the different progresses for the building.