February, 2002
Building Project
We had just completed the extension of the second floor on the multipurpose hall. As we closed the “book” on that project, we have already faced with shortage of space. With the expansion of Self Control Fellowship into Young married couple group, Career group, and College group, we have to look for more rooms. With the increased number of Worship attendance, we’re almost filled to capacity in the Joint worships. Therefore, it is time to move ahead to build the Sanctuary. We plan to use 12 to 15 months for architectural design and to secure the building permit, and 9 to 12 months to complete the construction.
I’m excited about the project. With the current economic downturn, we must realize that this takes a leap of faith on everyone’s part. Therefore, I encourage you to join heart with me to pray for the Lord’s guidance and provision.
You are Invited !
The quarterly All-church Workday is scheduled on February 16. You are invited to spend a few hours to make the church building cleaner and better.
Finally, My wife and I wish all of you a Happy Lunar New Year. May God richly bless you and your family!