September, 2001
Activities in September!
09/08 (Sat) Church Picnic at Ed Levin Park in Milpitas from 11am to 5pm. We will be meeting at Sandy Wool Group Area. We will have group games among other activities. Let us capture this opportunity to invite your friends to meet some of the church people and have a good time of fellowship. Hope to see you there.
09/14-15 Cantonese Evangelistic Meetings:
Friday night at 7:30pm “The Current State of Men”
Sat. night at 7:30pm “The Pitiful State of the World”
Sunday at 11:00am “The Wonderful State of God”
We have invited Rev. Albert Seung from Texas to come to share the messages with us. Please make good of this opportunity to invite your friends to attend. And let us not forget to pray that the seed of the Gospel be sown on good soil.
09/23 (Sun) There will be a Teacher’s Day following the Chinese Worship from 12:45pm to 2:15pm. Lunch will be provided for the attendees. The Sunday school department has organized a Resource Center in order to provide more resources for the teachers to utilize.
Later on that day, there will a Baptismal Service at 3pm at Pastor Larry’s home. After Baptism, we will continue to have fellowship and dinner together. All is welcome to join us to celebrate this joyous occasion.
Before I sign off, Just a Thought!
If you run into a wall, what would you do?
Don’t turn around and give up. Try to figure out how to go over it, go around it, or go through it, if necessary. With God, all things are possible!