Thursday, 30 November 2000 16:00

Pastor's Corner Pastor Larry December 2000

Written by  Lorsen Koo
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Pastor's Corner

December, 2000


ABC News had a two-hour special in June earlier this year, entitled "The Search for Jesus." The program presented a distorted view of the historical Jesus. The view that was posted by the liberal "biblical scholars," mainly represented by "Jesus Seminar," misled thousands of viewers in stating that the Bible is filled with contradictions. As far as the Evangelicals are concerned, "Jesus Seminar" is not considered to be "Christian" because its members only accept and believe a small portion of the Bible–the portion they consider "sensible." In doing so, they deny God and His supernatural power. But most importantly, they deny Christ and His Deity, which is the core value of Christianity.


The difference between Christianity and other religions is the fact that Christian faith lies not so much on a set of abstract ideas or beliefs but on a person. We must resist the temptation to speak about Christianity as if it were some kind of ‘ism’, like Confucianism, Marxism, Buddhism, or so on. These "isms" have become detached from that founding person, and reduced simply to sets of doctrines. In principle, we agree the philosophical approach to life’s similarity and goodness. But Christians maintain that there is something special, something qualitatively different, about Jesus which set Him apart from other religious teachers, founders, or thinkers.


In Jesus, the message and the messenger are one and the same. To separate the two is to destroy the core of Christianity. In other words, Jesus is the object of Faith, rather than just an example of Faith. Since Jesus is the object of Faith, therefore we do not trust a system or a set of doctrine, but rather, we place our trust on the God who came and lived among men. Christ’s birth (though the exact date is unknown) means more than a historical event. The tumbling of Berlin Wall means a lot more than a passing from the East to the West for the Germans; it means a unification of two once hostile countries. Likewise, the significance of Christmas signifies the beginning of God’s intervention of mankind sufferings by going through the same sufferings men encountered, which ultimate gave people a chance to restore peace with Him.


Before I sign off, on behalf of the Loving God, I invite you accept His gift of peace that is available to everyone who believes. "The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."


Pastor Larry

Last modified on Friday, 09 July 2010 23:09

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