Friday, 31 January 2003 16:00

Pastor's Corner Pastor Larry February 2003

Written by  Lorsen Koo
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Pastor's Corner

February, 2003


I am not a person who puts a lot on emphasis on certain day or festival. Just like the Apostle Paul described, I consider every day the same. I do appreicate that not everyone holds the same view as mine, so I've learned to be sensitive to those who feel differently. Therefore, I try my best to remember our anniversary date, my wife's and children's birthday, and so on. I still get their year of birth all mixed up, but then again, they all know that I'm trying!


As I was pondering what to write this month, my wife said, "Write about Valentine's Day." (I don't know whether it was a hint). But I said, "Valentine's Day never meant too much to me." Like many of you, I don't know the history of Valentine's Day. So then, I decided to look it up, and found an interesting story. According to church tradition, it originated by St. Valentine, a priest, near Rome around 270 AD. It was a time when the Roman Empire was under constant attacks by Northern Europe and Asian uprising military powers. Lack of quality adminstrators and dedicated soldiers, the Empire experienced plenty of defeats. When Claudius II became the emperor, he felt that married men were more emotional attached to their families, and therefore, would not make good soldiers. So to ensure a quality army, he banned marriage!


Valentine, a bishop a that time, seeing the trauma of young lovers, met them in secret places and joined them in the sacrament of matrimony. Claudius learned of the "friend of lovers," and eventually had him arrested. While he was in prison, he came in contact with his jailor, Asterius, who had a blind daughter. Through his faith, he miraculously restored her sight. But Valentine couldn't escape his fate. He was finally executed on February 24, 270 by the emperor. Just before his execution, he asked for a pen and paper from his jailer and signed a farewell message to her "From Your Valentine." This has been phrase that lived ever after. This incident evolved into a festival in which young men offering women whom they admired and wished to court, a handwritten greeting of affection on February 14.


What Valentine did was amiable. This story also triggered me to think that when a couple is truly in love, they would be willing to risk their lives to getting married. Sometimes, love does involve taking risks. I think the prime example is the love of God. He took the risk of being rejected when He came to live and die for you and me.


Before I sign off, I wish you a happy Valentine's Day, and most importantly, realize that God not only sent you a card. He sent you His Son. It's my prayer that you accept His love for you.


Pastor Larry
Last modified on Friday, 09 July 2010 23:09
Lorsen Koo

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