Pastor's Corner
January, 2003
Another year has escaped us. When I look back, Year 2002 seemed like a flash—now you see it, now you don’t. I have heard someone said, “Life is like a coin; you can spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once.” It is so true! The choice on how to spend our time is ours to make. Most of us know we should choose good and shun evil. The choice to avoid evil acts is relatively easy. But the choice between the good and the better, and the better and the best, on the other hand, is not as easy as it seems. Those choices are closely related, and we’ll find most of them satisfying. But in the final analysis, it’s our choice that determines how meaningful our lives have been in the sight of God.
As we enter a new year. I’m sure we will be facing new challenges and stepping on new frontiers. With the grace and strength of our God and our courage, there will be no mountain too high to climb and no valley too deep to descend. But in order to do that, we need to learn how to set our priority. You don’t need to look too hard or too long to see Jesus’ teaching on priority. “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.” (Matt. 6:33a) According to Jesus, that is the best choice! To make choices that reflect seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness means we need to have a paradigm shift in looking at our priority. To ask questions like: “Where is God in my life at this moment?” “What are the things I am gripping tightly?” “Why am I doing what I am doing?” is helpful.
I would like to give you a few suggestions to start this year on the right foot:
1. Examine your priorities. You must determine, on your own, what is important to you. No one can do it for you. Until you are convinced what is important, you won’t follow through.
2. Decide your Guidepost. Everyone needs a standard to live by. You can either use the culture or use the Word of God as your guidepost. If you do choose the Word of God, make effort to study it every day.
3. Loosen your Grip. Everyone needs earthly resources to survive, but nonetheless, things of this world are temporary. If you grip on them too tightly, it will only cause more pain when God pries them open. Balance your saving with your giving.
There are other ways, like investing in people, choosing an attitude of gratitude, or sharing God’s goodness with others. I’ll just leave it for you to think them over and set your own priority.
Before I sign off, I pray that you will have a rewarding year; that you will experience God in a deeper and more personal way. If you have yet believed in this loving God, I pray that this is the year that you will come to know Him in a personal way, and accept Jesus as your Savior. Have a blessed New Year.
Pastor Larry