Pastor's Corner by Pastor Larry
January, 2006
I had a chance to watch a documentary film entitled “Beyond the Gates of Splendor” a couple of weeks ago. It was about five young married men: Nate Saint; Jim Elliott; Ed McCully; Pete Fleming; and Roger Yonderian. These men went to an Indian tribe, Waodani, in the Amazon as missionaries. This tribe was excluded from any kind of civilization, and was known to be hostile to potential threat, especially foreign invasion. The tribe’s cultural motto was “must spear and live or be speared and die.” With apprehension, they went to the jungle, not knowing what they could do or whether they could return home safely. They went to befriend this tribe. They were successful in the beginning until one day all five of them were speared to death.
As I watched the film, it struck me that these five men didn’t accomplish anything in today’s standard of “performance.” They didn’t bring anyone to Christ; they didn’t translate the Bible in the tribal language; they didn’t even develop any kind of long lasting friendship. All they did was to be kind to a few natives who later turned on them. Could they have done more if they were to visit a more “civilized place” to do missionary work? From our shortsighted human perspective, the answer probably is, “Yes.” Living in a culture of impatience, we often instantly look at the “bottom line.” As you look back at 2005, how do you evaluate the past year? What have you built? Did you build a stronger relationship with God and with your families? Or did you just provide short-lived materialistic means to satisfy your desires or comfort your conscience? If we are too focused on the immediate future, we will lose sight of the true value of life.
This movie also shows the power of forgiveness. After some time of grieving, some of the martyred missionaries’ wives and children decided to return to the tribe and continued with the work their husbands started. When it’s all said and done, they turned the hostile culture around to a peaceful environment. Wonders never cease with the power of forgiveness.
One thing that took me aback from this documentary is how this country has changed in these fifty years. This story happened in the 1950’s. When the country heard the news about the families who lost contact with the five missionaries, the whole country got behind them and prayed for their safe return. Today, we can’t even teach God or pray in public classrooms. The Federal Court in Pennsylvania passed a law a couple of weeks ago, prohibiting public schools to teach “Intelligent Design” as an alternative to “Evolution,” which educators still maintain as a theory. I think it’s sad to see this once-great country so blessed by God to have moved so far away from the Almighty. As we look ahead to 2006 and beyond, watch where you stand lest your “Faith” be watered down by the culture. I recommend you to watch this documentary, and on January 20th, another movie about this story entitled “End of the Spear” will be coming to a theater near you.
Before I sign off, I pray that you will stand firm in God’s absolute and eternal Truths. If you haven’t come to know Jesus as your personal Savior, I pray that you would do so and experience the power of His forgiveness. Have a blessed year.
Pastor Larry