Tuesday, 01 June 2004 14:42

Pastor's Corner Pastor Larry June 2004

Written by  Lorsen Koo
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Pastor's Corner

June, 2004


My son and I visited my mother’s grave the other day. It had been about five years since she left us, but we still miss her a lot. Since both of my parents are buried in the same burial site, it always brings back many of the past memories every time I visited them. In the midst of our missing my parents, I told my son that his grandmother is in a better place now, and I comforted him that we will see her again in heaven; we’ll just need to keep believing in Jesus. Later that day when my wife came home from work, she said, “How’s mama?” I said, “She is resting comfortably. I’m sure she is in a place much nicer than ours.”


We don’t want to talk much about dying. Asians, in particular, want to avoid the topic at all cause. But the fact is it is as natural to die as it is to be born. It seems that we are born to die. All of us will face death one day. Some who has terminal illness may anticipate the impending date, while others will be hit by a sudden accident. Woody Allen, a comedian, once said, “I’m not afraid of death. I just don’t want to be around when it comes.” Death is not pleasant because it brings sorrow of separation. But more importantly, it creates an uneasy feeling because it is too much of a mystery behind that closed door. People are afraid to find out. Other than the Bible, not much light is shed behind that closed door. No one who entered could return to tell us what’s on the other side. Interestingly, God placed a conscience in our heart to let us know that what we do this side of the door determines where we end up on the other side.


Though it haunted human’s souls for ages, Christ has changed death. Although it is an enemy, but in Christ, it is also a friend. Why is it a friend? It is because those who believe in Christ is guaranteed what is to come on the other side of the closed door of death. So much so that the Bible doesn’t call it death anymore. It is sleep. When we die, we fall asleep in Jesus, laying aside this house of clay for a little while, until this corruptible body is exchanged with the incorruptible. How blessed it is for believers to rest comfortably without any fear of uncertainty in eternity. I can’t wait to have another body that will not deteriorate and grow old. I have been having hives that won’t go away for the past month. I can’t wait to have a body that won’t require me to soothe the itch!


Before I sign off, I want to quote from the Bible: “Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” (Heb. 9:27) According to the Bible, death is inevitable, and so is judgment. You will either face the Judgment Seat of God, where God will reward you for your faithful service to Him, or before the Great White Throne, where rightful condemnation will be handed out to those who rejected God’s Salvation through Jesus Christ who died for them. Yes, if you don’t believe in Jesus, death is scary. But if you do, rest easy, for it is a door that opens to a magnificent eternity.


Pastor Larry
Last modified on Friday, 09 July 2010 23:09
Lorsen Koo

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