Pastor's Corner
March, 2005
Being lost is a terrifying experience. When my family gets together, one of the favorite pastimes is to sit around and catch up with the “good ole times.” Maybe all of us are getting old because we enjoy talking about our childhood. From time to time, I am reminded that as a toddler, I had gotten lost once because I wandered away on my own. My brothers and sisters were supposed to look after me, but they wanted to play. They bought me some snacks and asked me to wait until they returned. I started to wander away after I finished eating. I was too young to have remembered anything, but one thing I do know is that the feeling of being lost is scary.
Without vision, it is easy to get lost in the shuffle of life. The busyness of life can easily entangle us, and gradually causes us to lose grip of the purpose and direction of life. Vision is important, especially for churches. Vision allows us to plan for the future and evaluate the present. We aren’t looking into a crystal ball and trying to interpret the future. Rather, true vision is seeing what we can become in the future. The Bible says, “Without vision, people perish.” We thank the founding fathers of our church, who set a long-term vision for us. The goal was to plant another church. It has been twenty-five years since this church started her ministries in
The founders of this church also have another vision. When we first started the church, we saw the importance of having its own sanctuary. Within the first few months of existence, a “Building Project Committee” was formed. We began looking into acquiring properties to build instead of continuing to rent. Looking back, it was a great vision. Who can afford any real estate at the current price? God allowed us to see that the vision is within His will because the church outgrew the fellowship hall we were using at
“Vision that looks inward become duty; Vision that looks outward becomes aspiration; Vision that looks upward becomes faith.” The “Building Project Committee” invites you to attend a special meeting during lunch to give you an update of the project and also to share with you how to get involved in turning this vision into reality. In addition, I will be preaching on a related message that morning. Let us together capture this “Vision in Faith.”
Pastor Larry