Pastor's Corner by Larry Tong
September, 2006
On every first Monday of September, we enjoy a “paid” day-off because over one-hundred years ago, this country observed Labor Day as a legal holiday. It was created by the Labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American laborers. Its purpose is to give tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. So, we have a day-off to enjoy and relax with families and friends. I would also like to take this time to acknowledge all the godly laborers who contribute to the Kingdom of God. You don’t even get pay for doing a fine job. As your pastor, I would like to show my appreciation for a job well done. Take a day off and relax!
In order to maintain good mental health at work and ministries, we need to know how to relax. Too much stress will create physical problems and conflicts with other. Therefore, we need to learn how to release our daily stress. Recently, someone sent out a list of things Christians can do to reduce stress. Due to the limited space of the newsletter, I chose ten out of thirty-six items listed to share with you. I also added a short comment to them:
- Pray—remember that God is always on your side to help. Start your day by seeking advices from His Words and telling Him your plans for the day.
- Go to bed and get up on time—don’t give yourself excuses to stay up late. Adequate rest helps to reduce stress. Stress is automatic when you are always in a rush.
- Learn to say No—realize you can’t do everything, and you don’t have to carry the whole world on your shoulder.
- Simplify and unclutter your life—simplicity can go a long way. Don’t make life too complicated. For most, it’s already a mess. Your plate has its capacity; don’t try to overfill it.
- Take one day at a time—yesterday is history; focus and finish your daily task before starting a new project for tomorrow.
- Separate worries from concerns—worry doesn’t help the situation; it will only increase stress. If you can do something about it, do it; otherwise, don’t worry.
- Live within your budget—if you can control spending, you have already unloaded a heavy stress of debt.
- K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut)—saying too much or saying the wrong thing will produce stress for you and others.
- Develop a forgiving attitude, and be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most)—an unforgiving spirit will cause more stress to yourself than you could ever imagined.
- Laugh, and laugh some more! Laugh will bring a lighter spirit and bring more oxygen to the brain.
I hope this will help you unload some of the stress you have been carrying.
Pastor Larry