Monday, 31 March 2003 16:00

Events April 2003

Written by  Lorsen Koo
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April, 2003


Good Friday and Easter Sunday
We will have a Joint Fellowship on April 18 (Friday night) to commemorate the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. On the following Sunday, we will have a Joint Worship at 11:00 to celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior. During the worship, there will be an Infant Dedicating Prayer, if needed. In the afternoon, a Baptismal Service will be held at Pastor Larry’s home at 3pm. We will probably have eight to ten new members (four being baptized) this time. We thank God for adding new people to our church.


JV / Youth Spring Retreat
As I’m writing this newsletter, I received bad news that Seri’s, the guest speaker for the JV/Youth Spring Retreat, grandmother had been admitted to a hospital in Japan. In light of that event, she would have to change her plan to return to Japan, which meant she wouldn’t be able to come to the retreat. During the church prayer meeting, the counselors prayed for Seri and her grandmother, and also worked up a back-up plan. Since we can’t secure a speaker in such a short notice, they decided to take on the challenge and shared the responsibility to speak. Sitting in the meeting with the counselors, I see their genuine care for the youths, in which I praise God. May God bless them and continue to use them to help the youths to grow in Christ.

Last modified on Friday, 09 July 2010 23:09
Lorsen Koo

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