March, 2007
Building project update
We're making progress on the building project!! The City has approved the grading permit which allows us to prepare the ground for the building foundation. Asbestos removal was done the end of March. Demolition of the house will be scheduled soon. Building permit is imminent. Please continue to pray for the building project.
Welcome to the Family
During the last Business Meeting, the congregation accepted eight new members: Alice, Iris, Jacob, Jana, Jennifer, Phyllis, Stanley and Tat. All of them will be baptized on Easter Sunday. Praise The Lord and pray that they will continue to grow in the Lord.
On Good Friday (4/6), there will be two separate programs to commemorate Jesus’ crucifixion, one in Chinese and one in English. Both programs will be from 7:45pm to 9:30pm. We sincerely invite you to come join us.
On Easter Sunday (4/8), we will have a joint worship service at 11:00am to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. There will also be an infant dedication ceremony during worship. On the same Sunday afternoon, we will be having a Baptismal Service at Pastor Larry’s home at 3:00pm. All of you are welcome to join these joyous occasions.
Wedding Bells
Karen and Kevin will be having their wedding on April 21. Congratulations! We pray that their marriage will be filled with God’s love and blessings.