Monday, 31 March 2008 16:00

Events April 2008

Written by  Lorsen Koo
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April, 2008


Building Project Update

We are still in progress to apply for the CUP to retain the existing multi-purpose building. The date for public hearing has not been set. There are minor comments from the City that needed to be addressed by the church, and we are working on them. As far as finishing the erecting of the steel structure, the General Contractor is working with the Sub-contractor to finalize the contract. We should have a decision very shortly. After the roof and the second floor panels are in placed, the Building Committee will convene to discuss the planning procedure as to how we will continue with the project. After that, they will inform the church. Please be patient with this delay, and please continue to pray for wisdom for the members so that they may make wise choices. They are working extra hard trying to make everything right, and may the Lord bless their efforts.

Joyful News

During Easter Sunday last month, we have four families who brought their new infants before the church for dedication. The parents of these infants are committed to bring up their children in the way of the Lord. The church acknowledged them, and will be working hand-in-hand with the parents in order to bring up the children so that they may know the Lord from a very young age and not go astray from the teachings of the Bible.

In the same afternoon, over fifty people went to Pastor Larry’s home to witness three new members being baptized, and listened to testimonies of all five new members (two new members transferred from another Baptist church). There is nothing more joyful than seeing more people entering the Kingdom of God. Pray that all of them may continue to grow in the Lord.

Last modified on Friday, 09 July 2010 23:09
Lorsen Koo

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