Saturday, 31 July 2004 16:00

Events August 2004

Written by  Lorsen Koo
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August, 2004


Building Project Update
A new set of architectural drawings was submitted to the City of San Jose for approval. It will probably take over two months to review by the different departments. If the plan is approved, a public hearing will be scheduled. Please continue to remember this important matter in your prayers. You can also plan to start saving so that you can give when the time comes.


Missions Update
Annie has finished her Missions trip to China . By the time you read this newsletter, she should have returned. Ray and Nerissa are still in China and will be back in a couple of weeks.


We have twelve young adults and youths who went to Arizona to minister to the Native Indians. While I’m writing this, they are in Phoenix , getting ready to drive to the site that is three hours away.

Stay turn for a sharing night by these Short-term missionaries.


Our church is hosting a special training in Cantonese on “Team-work Ministry” by Rev. Johann Lai on August 27 (Friday) from 7:45-9:45pm and 28 (Saturday) from 9am-4pm. Please call the church office to inquire details.


Last modified on Friday, 09 July 2010 23:09
Lorsen Koo

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