Tuesday, 31 December 2002 16:00

Events January 2003

Written by  Lorsen Koo
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January, 2003


Welcome to the Family
Last month, during the Special Business Meeting, the church accepted five new members. They are Cheung Chu, Jane, and Ron (through Baptism), Sharon (through application), and Shiu Yin (through transfer). We pray that they will continue to grow at Southbay.


New Changes
Starting this year, other than a few special Sundays, we have decided not to have joint worships. This decision was made based on the growth of the church. Our joint worship services have filled to capacity during the latter part of 2002. We thank God for this “good problem,” and look forward to the church building project to get underway.

The Church Council approved the budget for Year 2003, submitted by the different service departments. The total budget is $298,287.57, making a monthly average of $24,857.30. The members will vote on this budget during the Business Meeting on December 29.


We will be seeking to call an English Pastor/Minister during Year 2003 to shepherd the English Congregation. If you know of anyone who has a calling, please refer to Pastor Larry.

Last modified on Friday, 09 July 2010 23:09
Lorsen Koo

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