March, 2002
We have a special Sharing Program on March 1 (Friday). The Short-term Missions team to Cambodia will be sharing their work and experience with the church.
We will be having a Special Good Friday Program on March 29 from 7:30 through 9:30pm. We will use this special evening to commemorate the Lord’s Supper.
On Easter Sunday, we will celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection with Joint Worship at 11:00am. We also plan to have an Infant Dedication on that day during the worship. At 3:00pm, we will have a Baptismal Service at Pastor Larry’s home.
Church Building Project Update
During last month’s Church Council Meeting, the council members approved to form a special task force to study the feasibility of building the Sanctuary. Brother William Wu is elected to be the coordinator. A formal Church Building Committee will be formed at the Business Meeting in March.
Where Are They Going?
Seems like Brother Meng Chhun just came back from Cambodia not too long ago from the three weeks of Short-term Missions, yet he is going back again for another two or even more weeks on March 13.
Pastor Larry is going to Los Angeles on March 12 for a “Crisis Counseling” seminar. Hope he is not in any crisis! He will be back on March 17 (Sunday).