Saturday, 30 April 2005 16:00

Events May 2005

Written by  Lorsen Koo
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May, 2005


Missions Emphasis Month
May is our Annual Missions Emphasis Month. This year, we’ve invited a missionary couple Dr. and Mrs. David Leung to share with us their work in China on May 13 (Friday night) at 7:30pm . David will also be preaching from God’s Word to both congregations on May 15 (Sunday) morning. I personally invite all of you to come join us. This year, the budget for Missions support is $45,000, and the list of the Missionaries and Missions organizations will be provided for you in May. I pray that you will prayerfully and financially support this work so that we may take part to expand the Kingdom of God .


English Pastor Update
The Board of Deacons would like to invite all of you to meet our candidate on May 1st (Sunday). Pastor Jonathan Lee will be preaching in both services (Chinese service will be translated for him). After the regular luncheon, we will meet him for an “Open questions and answers” session so that you may know him more. Lord willing, the tentative schedule will look something like this: meet the candidate on the first Sunday in May, special Council meeting on the third Sunday, and special Business Meeting on the fifth Sunday. Please pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in making a decision. Pastor Jonathan brings with him over twenty years of ministerial experience. He started the ministry as a youth minister. He has also ministered in a few churches in the Bay Area.

Last modified on Friday, 09 July 2010 23:09
Lorsen Koo

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