Sunday, 30 April 2006 16:00

Events May 2006

Written by  Lorsen Koo
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May, 2006


Will and Cordelia will celebrate their wedding on May 27, 2006. May the Lord bless the union of the two individuals into one identity. May the Lord also pour His blessings on the wedding day with exceeding joy.


We want to praise the Lord for a blessed Easter Sunday. We had a wonderful joint worship, and during the worship we had four families who dedicated their infants to the Lord. May the Lord bless Hannah, Kaeli, Alythia and Atticus as their parents and the church join hands together to bring them up in the Lord. That afternoon, we had five brothers and sisters baptized into the Body of Christ. We pray that the Lord will continue to cause a spiritual growth to Tony, Jenny, Luisa, Mazzie and Sonia.


Happy Mother’s Day
To the many mothers in our church, I wish you an exceedingly happy Mother’s Day. I pray that your children honor and respect you not just for today, but for who you are. Here is a quote by Abraham Lincoln to think about: “No man is poor who has had a godly
Last modified on Friday, 09 July 2010 23:09
Lorsen Koo

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