Wednesday, 30 April 2008 16:00

Events May 2008

Written by  Lorsen Koo
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May, 2008


Missions Emphasis Month

May is our Missions Emphasis Month, and during this month, we will promote Missions work around the globe as well as what we should do as World Christians. Our Missions Pledge goal for the upcoming year (July through June) is $55,600. This giving should be above and beyond our regular giving. All the giving received are for Missions works, and will be diverted to support missionaries and organizations. May the Lord bless those who faithfully give to the Missions budget.

Building Project Update

The General Contractor and the sub-contractor have reached an agreement, and the completion of the steel roofing and the second floor should resume soon. As of now, we still haven’t heard from the City of San Jose about our CUP application for retaining the existing multi-purpose building. Please continue to pray for the ever-challenging project.

Last modified on Friday, 09 July 2010 23:09
Lorsen Koo

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