Sunday, 30 September 2001 16:00

Events October 2001

Written by  Lorsen Koo
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October, 2001


I would like to invite you to a special Musical Program on October 26 (Friday night) from 7:30 – 9:30. We invited the Carpenter’s Tool to sing and share an Evangelistic message with us. The program is free, and all is welcome. For direction to our church, please check our map page. Bring a friend.

Like previous years, we will begin our annual Canned Food Drive at the end of this month. Please support this worthwhile social ministry. All collection will be donated to CityTeam Ministries in San Jose.


Wedding Bells:
Alison C. and Wyman L. are getting married on October 20. May God bless their marriage. Happy Wedding!

Sharon C. and Daniel C.: wedding date is set for June 2002.

Jaime W. and Lorsen K.: wedding date is set for August 2002.

New Church Members:
On September 16, the church passed the resolution to accept four new members: Karen L. (from a Christian Church), Wing Kei L. and Amy W. (through Baptism), and Will L. (re-Baptized to affirm his Faith). Welcome to the Family.

Last modified on Friday, 09 July 2010 23:09
Lorsen Koo

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