Events (107)
Board of Deacons Retreat
On September 5 and 6, we are going to have our annual Board of Deacons Retreat. This retreat is particularly important because we need to have a detailed planning for the future of SCBC, now that we have the new Worship Center, English Pastor and Youth Director. We also need to increase the number of deacons on board. Please do pray for us.
2010 Church Picnic will be held from 11:00am to 4:00pm on Saturday 9/11/2010 at Bayland Park in Sunnyvale. Registration is $3.00. New guests and children of 5 years and under are free. You are welcome to join the fun.
Rejoice with us! We are excited to celebrate our 30th anniversary and to dedicate our new Worship Center. We will have a special worship service at 3:30pm on Sunday October 3, 2010. You are welcome to celebrate with us. A banquet dinner will be held at 6:00pm at Mayflower Restaurant in Milpitas. Dinner is $35 per person of ages 11 and over. Children between 3 and 10 are $20, and ages 2 and under are free. Please RSVP
for dinner by September 15 to
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September 2009
Church Picnic
September 12 is our annual church picnic. You are invited to join us at Emma Prusch Farm Park, 647 South King Road, San Jose from 11:30am – 4pm. In order to prepare for adequate food, you need to register ($3.00 for anyone who is 5 y.o. and older; free for children under 5 and new invited guests).
English Pastoral Search
Pastoral Search Committee had their first meeting last month. We have decided to start the searching process by advertising our need on some religious publications. Should you know of someone who is interested, please have him send a resume to Pastor Larry, the chairperson of the committee.
Building Project Update
Pastor Larry and Jack Christensen (architect) went to speak with the Building Department of San Jose to explain our capacity issue, and the result was positive.
The Building project is on-going. We are excited to see the changing progress every week as we come to worship. The City Planner has scheduled our CUP application on September 6 (Wednesday) at 6:30. Please pray for this important meeting.
September, 2008
Our Annual Picnic is set on September 13 (Saturday) at Ed. R. Levin Park, Milpitas – Sandy Wool Site from 11:00am to 4:00pm. Activities include lunch, games, fishing, biking, and so on. Registration is $3.00, and parking is $7.00. Come and join us! Have a blast!
Something New
The Nominating Committee will propose to the church of forming three new service departments. The newest one is the Informational Technology (IT) Department. A new Children Department will be spinning off from Sunday school and Church Training Department in order to have a better planning for all Sundays and Fridays programs for children. Finally, Church Training Department, under the proposal, will be called Fellowship/small group Department.
The Board of Deacons is working on a proposal to the church of implementing a Sabbatical leave for pastoral staff. It is very likely that Pastor Larry will be on Sabbatical soon.
September, 2007
Church Leadership Training
"Equipping Leaders for the Harvest" will be held a Living Word Christian Center in Milpitas on Saturday, 9/15. We have registered all those who signed up. Please check with Brother Daniel or their website for workshops or schedule information. www.ccbaministries.org
New Worship Center Celebration Dinner
Please come celebrate with us on 9/29 (Saturday) from 6pm to 9pm. We are moving forward with our building project. Join us to learn what's the next step and know how you can play an active role in building our new worship center. If you haven't picked up your invitation package, please do so today.
September, 2006
You are invited to a special Short-term Missions sharing on Friday (8th). This year, our missionaries were sent to the Native Americans in
You are also invited to join us for our annual church picnic on Saturday (9th). Just like last year, we will be having the picnic at Shadow Cliff in
On the Light Side—jokes to have a laugh
Johnny had been misbehaving and was sent to his room. After a while, he emerged and informed his mother that he had thought it over and then said a prayer. “Fine,” said the pleased mother. “If you ask God to help you not misbehave, He will help you.” “Oh, I didn’t ask Him to help me not misbehave,” said Johnny. “I asked Him to help you put up with me.”
A minister questioned a six-year-old: “So your mother says a prayer for you each night. Very commendable. What does she say?” The little boy replied, “Thank God, he’s in bed!”
A couple with three children waited in line at
The minister gave his Sunday morning service, as usual; but this particular Sunday, it was considerably longer than normal. Later, at the door, shaking hands with parishioners as they moved out, one man said, “Your sermon, Pastor, was simply wonderful—so invigorating and inspiring and refreshing.” The minister, of course, broke out in a big smile, only to hear the man add, “Why, I felt like a new man when I woke up!”
The above jokes are taken from Medicine for the Soul by Dr. David Jeremiah
September, 2005
Church Picnic
Our annual church picnic is set for September 10 (Saturday) from
Our very first Cultural Day that was held on August 27 was a success. We praise God for such an event to bring out the uniqueness of the Chinese culture. After all the performances, special Chinese tea and snack were served while congregants enjoyed the Chinese art exhibitions. Over twenty paintings were sold to raise fund for the Church building project. With a matching fund by an anonymous donor, we have raised about eight thousand dollars!
Our Condolences
Our condolences go to Jerry Wong and his family for losing his mother to cancer last Sunday. May the Lord comfort him and the family with surpassing peace.
Our condolences also go to Chau Yee for losing her father in
September, 2004
Welcome Back
All the short-term missionaries who went
The Annual Church Picnic will be held on September 11 at Ed Levin Park in
Alex and Karen were married in August and have returned from their honeymoon. They look very much relaxed. May God continue to bless their marriage.
Clayton and Christina will be married this month. They are busy trying to get everything done before the wedding day. We pray that God will provide a pleasant day for the wedding, and bless them as they unite their lives together.
Frank and Sarah became proud grandparents to their daughter’s baby boy, Ryan Enoch, last month. Pray that Ryan will grow both in stature and in the love of God.
September, 2003
Wedding Bells:
Tim and Jennifer were married on August 16. The helpers turned the fellowship hall into a wedding chapel. Nicely done!
Meng and Danei will be married on August 31 in Fremont. This marks the fifth wedding couples this year for our church.
May God bless both couples, as they will begin to build their lives together.
Our Annual Picnic will be held on September 6, from 11:00am-4:00pm at Ed Levin Park, Milpitas (ELM Group Area). Lunch will be served at noon. Please call the office to register ($2.00 registration fee). Limited space and fee for parking—carpool is encouraged.
Our Condolences
Rev. Richard Li, who served the Lord faithfully for many years, was called Home a couple of weeks ago in Los Angeles. He left behind his wife, Margaret, and five daughters. A memorial service was held on August 30, 2003 at Golden Gate Christian Church in San Francisco.
September, 2002
Deacons’ Retreats
This year’s Deacons’ Retreat will be held on September 2nd (Labor Day Monday). We will be discussing some of the changes of the church, the direction we should take in order to adjust to the changing needs of the people, and among other important issues. Please pray for us so that we can be effective spiritual leaders of the church.
Business Meeting
This quarter’s Business Meeting will be held on September 22, immediately following the Chinese Worship. This is an important meeting. Not only do we need to elect church officers for next year, we also need to pass the amendments of the Constitution and Bylaws.
We want to welcome two new preachers to the pulpit: Pinnie Wu (Associate Minister) will be preaching on 8/25 and again in September. Andy Dao (Associate Deacon) will be preaching on September 1.
Pastor Larry finished with the series on the “Sermon on the Mount.” He is complementing to preach a series on the life of Joseph, titled “Living by Faith.” Please pray for him.
He is also going on vacation from September 10 through September 27. Please contact Pinnie for any assistance during his absence.
September, 2001
Activities in September!
09/08 (Sat) Church Picnic at Ed Levin Park in Milpitas from 11am to 5pm. We will be meeting at Sandy Wool Group Area. We will have group games among other activities. Let us capture this opportunity to invite your friends to meet some of the church people and have a good time of fellowship. Hope to see you there.
09/14-15 Cantonese Evangelistic Meetings:
Friday night at 7:30pm “The Current State of Men”
Sat. night at 7:30pm “The Pitiful State of the World”
Sunday at 11:00am “The Wonderful State of God”
We have invited Rev. Albert Seung from Texas to come to share the messages with us. Please make good of this opportunity to invite your friends to attend. And let us not forget to pray that the seed of the Gospel be sown on good soil.
09/23 (Sun) There will be a Teacher’s Day following the Chinese Worship from 12:45pm to 2:15pm. Lunch will be provided for the attendees. The Sunday school department has organized a Resource Center in order to provide more resources for the teachers to utilize.
Later on that day, there will a Baptismal Service at 3pm at Pastor Larry’s home. After Baptism, we will continue to have fellowship and dinner together. All is welcome to join us to celebrate this joyous occasion.
Before I sign off, Just a Thought!
If you run into a wall, what would you do?
Don’t turn around and give up. Try to figure out how to go over it, go around it, or go through it, if necessary. With God, all things are possible!