Melanie is dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet.
How do I change the left sidebar picture in the pastor's corner section?
The pastor's corner section uses the Jumi [pastor's corner] module. In that module, a box with a blank_1x1.gif is inserted as a placeholder. The article is in responsible for invoking the jumi plugin to change the background of the placeholder via javascript.
So, in order to perform this operation.
#1. Make sure the image exists in the jumi component
- Components -> Jumi
- Insure that script id #3 houses the php code that points to the proper image
#2. In the article, insert the following:
- { jumi [*3] [Image_Key]}
- Note: Image_Key is the parameter that is being passed into the function within the Jumi Component.
[NOTE: This information is mainly for the older SCBC Website]
How do you translate an article?
Do the following:
Select chinese under the languages drop down menu
Select contents under the content elements drop down menu
Select the article you want to translate.
[NOTE: The english congregation does NOT have Joomfish Installed]
#1. Make sure the person that was editing the document saved the document.
#2. If the above doesn't work, then log in as Super-Administrator and then go to Tools->Global Checkin.
This will check in all outstanding documents.
How do I add custom server-side code (ie, php) to an article?
Update the Jumi component within the backend and then invoke the jumi declarative.
See components->Jumi
and then look at the calendar article for an example. The custom code for the calendar has an id of 5 and therefore the jumi invocation (space sensitive) is ...