December, 2007
Christmas Celebration
The English Christmas Celebration is on December 21 (Friday), from 7:45 – 9:30 pm, and the Chinese Christmas Celebration is on December 22 (Saturday) from 7:45 – 9:30 pm. This year, both congregations will have variety of performances to bring out the joy of the Season.
Jesus came to save people from the penalty of Sin, and Baptism is an external ordinance that reflects the internal Salvation. Therefore, on December 23 (Sunday) at 3 pm, we will be gathering together at Pastor Larry’s home for a baptismal service. You are welcome to join us to witness this joyous occasion. If Lord’s willing, we will be baptizing four new members into the Body of Christ. As usual, we will serve dinner after the service.
Building Project Update
At the time of writing this newsletter, we still haven’t heard from the City of
December, 2006
Worthy of Praises
We praise God for giving us an opportunity to glorify Him by ordaining Brother Anselm as a minister of the Gospel on November 26. About 180 people attended the Spirit-filled Ordination Service. By this time, Rev. Siao has already returned to
We want to welcome the following new family members (to be accepted in the fourth quarter’s business meeting on Dec. 17):
Via Baptism: Mike, Mei, Olivia and Valerie
Via Application: Benjamin, Lin and Tze-Kuan
Via Transfer: Ken, Patty, Polly and Steven
We will be having our Annual Christmas Celebrations. On December 22 (Friday), please come and join us for the English Celebration, and on December 23 (Saturday), we will have the Cantonese Celebration. Both celebrations will begin at
On December 24 (Sunday), we will have our Joint worship to celebrate Christmas at
December, 2005
Christmas Celebration
We will have a different approach this year to celebrate Christmas. We will have a joint (Cantonese and English congregation) event on December 23 (Friday). We start the evening with having a potluck dinner at 7:00pm. Please bring a dish or two to share with others. After dinner, we will celebrate with singing and close with drawing gifts. You are encouraged to invite your friends to come to join us in this casual event.
We will also have Joint Christmas Worship on Sunday. Pastor Jonathan will lead us in this special celebration. Afterward, at 3pm, we will have a baptismal service at Pastor Larry’s home. You are invited to attend all the events.
New Year is coming!
As this year is coming to an end, what kind of plans do you have for next year? Is there anything you would like to equip yourself so as to be useful to the Master? There is one thing we would like to encourage you to consider, that is to join us as “prayer warriors.” We will roll out a plan to have you sign up to pray for the church. We are hoping that there will be family members of the church praying for God’s kingdom every waking hour of the day.
December, 2004
Welcome to the Family
We would like to extend our warmest welcome to the six new members who will be baptized in the Body of Christ on December 19: Richie, Tony, Jessica, Jennifer, Jaimee, and Flora. Of course, their membership confirmation will be finalized during the Business meeting on December 12.
As usual, we have two Christmas Celebrations this year. The English program will be held on the 17th (Friday) at
There will be a joint worship on Sunday at
Building Project Update
On November 17, we received a Conditional Use Permit issued by the City of
Alex and Angela gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Ian, on November 7. He weighed over 7 lbs and measured 19 inches. Both mother and child are doing well.
December, 2003
To celebrate Christmas this year, our church has two programs, one is in Chinese, on Dec 19 (Friday), and the other is in English, on Dec 20 (Saturday). Both programs will be from
There will also be a Joint Sunday Worship on Dec 21. Worship Service will be at
Welcome to the Family
Welcome the new members who will be joining our church during the Business Meeting on December 14. Five of them will be baptized: Sarah (next Easter), Nick, Janely, Anita, and Katina. One will transfer from another Baptist church: Annie. Four by application: Alex, Karen, Isaac, and Vanessa. May God continue to build up their faith in the Lord.
Thank You
During last month’s Canned
December, 2002
Welcome to the Family
We will have a special Business Meeting on December 15 to accept several new members—three through Baptism. We want to welcome all of them into our Spiritual Family. Baptismal Service will be held on the following Sunday at Pastor Larry’s home at 3pm. All is welcome to join us for this joyous occasion.
Christmas Celebrations
This year, we will have two Christmas celebrations. The English Congregation will be celebrating Christmas on Friday, December 20, and the Chinese Congregation will be celebrating on Saturday, December 21. There will be worship, Christmas Play, Gifts, and other fun activities. Both programs will be from 7:30-10:00pm.
We will also have a Joint Christmas Worship on December 22 (Sunday) at 11:00am.
We would like to invite you to come to all or any of the Christmas celebrations. Bring your friends along, and let us celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.
December, 2001
Short-term Missions!
During our Joint worship on December 2nd, we will be sending a team of five from our church to Cambodia for three weeks of Short-term Mission. They will broad on Dec. 16 and will return on Jan. 7. Sam Cheng, Meng Chhun (leader), Alex Chow, Ivan Lee, and Joanne Wu thank God for the opportunity, the church for the support, and the individuals who made financial and prayer commitment. May the Holy Spirit accompany them and give them grace to adapt to the weather and the workload.
We hear from the two sisters, Helen and Susan, who are working in China from time to time. Both of them are doing fine and adjusting to the changing weather. Both of them are saying that it’s getting cold there. Please continue to pray for them.
Mike Ling is returning to the Bay area after a year of Missions in Arkansas. Please pray that he can find a job soon.
We would like to invite you to attend our Christmas celebration. On Dec. 21 (Friday), we will have the English celebration. The Youth and JV group will present a play on Christmas. On Dec. 22 (Saturday), we will have the Chinese Christmas Praise Night. Both of the celebrations will start at 7:30pm.
We will have a Joint Worship on December 23 to celebrate Christmas. At 3pm the same day, we will have a Baptismal Service at Pastor Larry’s home.
December, 2000
Christmas is Approaching. We have two different Christmas Celebrations at church this year: On 22nd (Friday), the English Congregation will present a play entitled "A Broken Trophy" and on 23rd (Saturday), the Chinese Congregation will present a different play entitled "Who?" Both Celebrations will begin at 7:30pm
We will have a Baptismal Service on 24th (Sunday) afternoon at 3pm at Pastor Larry’s home.
Theme for Next Year
The church has adopted a direction for next year. We will be putting our focus on Evangelism–not so much on training believers to be Fishers of Men, but on the "Men" instead. The theme "Cast the Net" is chosen to remind Christians to feed the Gospel to the seekers so that they may be saved through faith.
August, 2008
Sunday School Faire
This year we will have a special Sunday School Faire on August 10, immediately following Chinese worship. There will be BBQ and games. The purpose for this special event is to promote various Sunday school classes to the congregations, and it will be re-enforced through preaching on that day as well. We extend a warm welcome to all of you, so that you may meet all the department members and the teachers. Let’s have a blast!
Building Project Updates
The steel workers are back to work on site. It seems the works are slow in coming, and the Building Project Committee has been working with the General Constructor to push the project forward as much as they can. Hopefully, by the end of August, the roof will be completed.
In the meantime, we are still working to obtain a letter from the school district for submittal to a Conditional Use Permit to retain the current multi-purpose building. For an unknown reason, the person-in-charge hasn’t been able to draft the letter. The Committee is also investigating on a back-up plan for off-site parking. Instead of having over 100 parking spaces, the alternative site only has fifty-six spaces.
Please do continue to pray for the different progresses for the building.
August, 2007
no events this month.