March, 2006
There is an annual training convention to be held in
English Couples Cell Group
We are expanding and growing into new life stages! We will begin to meet on one Sunday afternoon a month right after church services to invite more couples to join us. Come join us March 19th!
March, 2005
We will be having a special Good Friday program on March 25th from
Calvin and Minette’s first child was born on February 13th. Elijah Xavier Wong is enjoying the pampering of his parents at home, Minette is resting and recuperating, and Calvin is trying to get some rest amidst his busy schedule. May the Lord bless them.
March, 2004
Bass Conference
Our church has registered to attend the annual BASS conference. It runs from March 4 (Thursday) through March 6 (Saturday). There are plenty of useful workshops you can attend to enhance your ministries. Please make good use of this opportunity to learn how to improve your skills. We have hard copies of the schedule at church for you. Just mention our church name when you register, and you can attend free of charge.
Church News
On March 21, the pastor and the Board of Deacons invite all the church officers and those who attended the “
There will be a Sunday school teachers’ training on March 13 (Saturday). This training is geared towards the church-wide promotional teaching of the material Purpose Driven Life. This program will be rolled out on the first week of April and will last one quarter. After this special curriculum, all Sunday school classes will resume their regular curriculum.
Our Condolences
Our respected Rev. Paul Wong went to be with the Lord in early February. Memorial Service will be held on March 6 at
March, 2003
In Memory
Our beloved brother, Stephen Kwok, went to be with the Lord on February 18, 2003. He was 55, and is survived by his wife, Alice, and two children, Nathaniel and Nerissa. He is now resting in the arms of his Savior. We miss him, but will see him again in the Heavenly home one day. Our condolences to his family during this time of great loss and sorrow. May our Lord comfort them in very special ways.
You are Invited
Our church has registered to attend the 40th Annual B.A.S.S. Conference to be held from March 6 (Thursday) through 8 (Saturday). There are plenty of workshops to choose from, ranging from parenting to apologetics. You can attend as many workshops as you wish. Register under the church, and you don’t have to pay any fee.
There will be New Membership Classes this month. The English class will be held on March 2 (Sunday) and the Cantonese class will be held on March 9 (Sunday). Both classes will be from 2 pm to 5 pm. Please contact Pastor Larry.
Spring Retreat for Youth
This year, our J/Vs and Youths will be going to Camp Maymac in Santa Cruz again for their annual Spring Retreat. The theme this year is “Absolute Jesus.” The speaker is a seminarian from Western, and her name is Seri. Pray that the Lord will use this opportunity to help our young people grow. I would also like to show my appreciation to all the youth counselors, who spend many hours with the youths. Their fund raising event (selling Pearl Tea) for this retreat has been successful. Keep up the good work!
March, 2002
We have a special Sharing Program on March 1 (Friday). The Short-term Missions team to Cambodia will be sharing their work and experience with the church.
We will be having a Special Good Friday Program on March 29 from 7:30 through 9:30pm. We will use this special evening to commemorate the Lord’s Supper.
On Easter Sunday, we will celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection with Joint Worship at 11:00am. We also plan to have an Infant Dedication on that day during the worship. At 3:00pm, we will have a Baptismal Service at Pastor Larry’s home.
Church Building Project Update
During last month’s Church Council Meeting, the council members approved to form a special task force to study the feasibility of building the Sanctuary. Brother William Wu is elected to be the coordinator. A formal Church Building Committee will be formed at the Business Meeting in March.
Where Are They Going?
Seems like Brother Meng Chhun just came back from Cambodia not too long ago from the three weeks of Short-term Missions, yet he is going back again for another two or even more weeks on March 13.
Pastor Larry is going to Los Angeles on March 12 for a “Crisis Counseling” seminar. Hope he is not in any crisis! He will be back on March 17 (Sunday).
March, 2001
Annual Missions Conference
This year is our 14th Annual Missions Conference. This year’s theme is "Cast the Net." Keynote Speaker is Rev. Wally Yew and workshop leaders are Rev. Yew and Dr. Richard Yen. Faith Pledge Goal is $50,000.00. Following is the schedule: March 9 (Friday) 7:30-10:00pm; March 10 (Saturday) 10:30am-1:30pm (lunch included); March 11 (Sunday) 11:00am-12:30pm.
Church News
With much joy, we announce the consummation of two new families in marriage this month. Joshua and Sarah on March 17; and Calvin and Minette on March 31. Congratulations! May God bless your new family.
There will be a Baptismal Service on Easter Sunday (April 15). The most probable location is Pastor Larry’s home at 3:00pm (time and location to be confirmed at a later date). Everyone is welcome to come and join us to celebrate.
With great sorrow, Mrs. Y.P. Lo (wife of Rev. Robert Lo) passed away to be with the Lord. Our condolences to the Lo’s. Pray for the overwhelming comfort from our Lord Jesus Christ to be with the family during this time of loss.
June 2010
Building Project Update
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! The building is finally completed! We finally obtained the Occupancy Permit on May 25, 2010 at 9:30am. With the permit in hand, we have already started the “move”. Our tentative move-in schedule is to use the new classrooms upstairs beginning the first week of June for fellowships on Friday and Sunday school on Sunday. We will wait until the second week of July to have an in-house celebration and Ordination of Pastor Peter (pending on the approval of the church in June’s Business meeting). We will wait to have the Church Dedication on October 3. At which time, we will also celebrate our 30th Anniversary. Hope you will join us for this special occasion. May the Lord be glorified throughout all these events.
Michael and CandIce are getting married on June 5. They are the first couple to use the new Worship Center for wedding! We celebrate with them in their union as husband and wife. May the Lord bless them, not only having a good wedding, but a blessed marriage as well.
Pastor Peter will receive his Doctor of Ministry degree in June from Gordon Cromwell Theological Seminary. We are blessed to have him be our English pastor. May the Lord use him to bring SCBC to where the Lord wants us to be.
Our seminarian intern, Luke Xie graduated from Christian Witness Theological Seminary in May with a Master of Divinity. He is now seeking the Lord’s will for a church to serve. May the Lord use Luke to guide a flock unto Himself.
June 2009
Church Retreat
Church Retreat is less than two months away. It is going to be held at UC Davis from July 3 (Thursday) through 6 (Sunday). This year, we have Rev. Tom Tang as the Chinese speaker, and Dr. Mark Platt as the English speaker. The theme is the same as the church theme for this year: God’s Calling, My Passion. We look forward to having another year of learning God’s Word through the teachings of the speakers and fellowshipping with one another during this Independence Day weekend.
Since the retreat that goes through Sunday, our regular Sunday school on that day will be cancelled, but we will have a joint worship at 11:00am. For those who can’t join us at the retreat, please come to worship at church.
June, 2007
Missions Support and Pledge
The External Missions support this year is $54,100. It covers from July, 2007 through June, 2008. This is designed to financially support different Christian organizations that are involved in different aspects of ministries, and missionaries who are in different part of the world, reaching people with the Gospel. The detail information is posted on the wall in the auditorium. Up to last Sunday, our total collected pledge is $24,631.00.
Alex and Angela welcome their second child last month. Both mom and Janice are doing well, and Angela is recovering at home. May the Lord bless the family with heavenly blessings.
Our Condolences
The mother of our sister, Mrs. Yu, passed away last month in
June, 2006
Taiwan STM Trip
Pray for our Mission Team to
Summer Retreat
Pray for our church Summer Retreat at UC Davis on July 20th to 23rd.