July, 2003
Building Project Update
Our architect Jack Christensen informed us that he had made all the necessary changes on the architectural drawings, and submitted to the City of San Jose for the Site Approval, in order to go through the Public Hearing. Let’s put together our praying efforts for a successful and smooth approval of the Public Hearing. I believe this is the critical “sign” of affirming from God, allowing us to proceed with this project at this particular time.
Wedding Bells
With many months of anxious anticipation, Ivan and Karen were married on June 21. We thank God for bringing them together, and may God pour grace upon grace on their newly established marriage.
Alan and Michelle will be getting married on July 12. Pray that God will provide a great wedding weather for them on that day, and that God will bless their marriage with abundant grace.
Ministry Opportunities
Our church is looking to call a full time English Pastor. Should you know of anyone who is seeking such a position, please refer him to Pastor Larry.
During the last Business Meeting, the congregation selected Minette, Steve and Ivan, together with Church chairman, vice chairman and the pastoral staffs to form a Nominating Committee for year 2004. Please let us know if you have certain passion of ministries. May God guide us throughout the whole process so that we may serve for His glory.
July, 2002
Short-Term Missions
This year, our church is partnering with the veteran Christ Community Chinese Alliance Church in Hayward to Tijuana, Mexico from July 7 through 13. We have six members going, two of whom are youths: Grace Dao (leader), Tony Fok, Karen Lei, Gary Quan, Eric Wong, and Jennifer Wu. Pray that God will use them to minister to people in Tijuana; that they will have safe travel; and that they keep themselves free from sickness.
Candice Tong will also be leaving for Qinghui, China on July 8 for 3 weeks of short-term Missions. Pray that God will be with Candice throughout her travel and ministry.
Summer Retreat Conference
Our annual summer conference will be from July 4 through 7 at Lucerne Christian Conference in Clear Lake. On Sunday, we will have our regular Joint Worship Service at 11:00. Sunday School classes will be cancelled for a week. Pastor Larry will return from the camp to lead the worship service on July 7.
Congratulations to Meng Chhun on his engagement. May God bless his engagement ceremony on July 6 in Cambodia, and may God bless him and his fiancée as they start to plan for their new life together.
July, 2001
All the Graduates who graduated from college, high schools, received their diploma, and so on:
Teaching Credential: Adrienne Tong and Jaime Wu.
College: Frieda Chan, Beth Tong, Philip Tsang, and Susan Wu.
Radiologic Technology Diploma: Amy Wu.
High School: Alex Chan, Clifton Der Bing, Derek Leung, Jeffrey Loo, Timothy Loo, Alan Wong, and Kanani Wong.
(If I have missed anyone, it was an oversight, please accept my apology in advance.)
May God continue to be with you while you pursue a career or further your education.
Summer Retreat is from July 5th through 8th at Clear Lake. We are honored to have Rev. Johann Lai and Brother James Siebert as our Chinese and English speakers, respectively. The theme for this year is “Pressing On!” As in years past, we will also have a joint worship at church on Sunday (July 8th) at 11:00am. Sunday school activity will be cancelled.
We’ll also have a special Chinese Evangelistic meeting on July 13 (Friday) from 7:30-9:30pm. The special guest is Stella Hsi. She will be singing and sharing her testimony. Please call church office for tickets.
The team going to Jonesboro will be leaving on July 24 and returning on August 2. May God safe keep them.
Grace and Isaac for their Wedding on July 21. May God bless their marriage!
January, 2008
Building Project Update
Steel has finally been delivered, and construction to erect the steel structure is underway. According to the General Contractor, the process of erecting the structure and the roof should take about six week. Barring bad weather, by the end of January, 2008, the shell should be completed. Depending on the available funds, we may have to look at the schedule after the building is “water-tight.” Please continue to pray to the project, and continue to faithfully and sacrificially give for the project and to the general ministries as a whole.
We have formally submitted an application to the City of San Jose for retaining the current multiple hall. Together with the blueprint of the upgrading the courtyard, we have to clarify our parking plan in case the public schools nearby are not operable. The whole process has to go through the “Public Hearing”, which may take as long as a year. Please pray that the Lord will guide us through this progress.
Business Meeting
After many years of not having “New Blood” in the Board of Deacons, during the last Business Meeting, Brother Paul Leung and Lan Khuc have been elected as Associated Deacons. They will serve from Jan 1, 2008 through Dec. 31, 2009. Welcome to the Board, and pray for their new ministries as new leaders of the church.
During the last Business Meeting, through the recommendation of the BOD, members voted to renew Minister Pinnie Wu’s contract for three years, commencing April 1, 2008 through March 31, 2011.May the Lord bless her ministries.
David and Grace Ng added another daughter, Elisha, to their family in December 20, last year. May the Lord bless this devoted family.
January, 2007
New Year, New Theme
We are thankful that the Lord has brought us through 2006, and we have seen the wonderful hands of God at our church. After a year of learning about “Being Holy,” we concluded that we didn’t give enough time to learn much about “Useful to the Master.” Therefore, we decided the theme for 2007 would be “Together We Serve.” It is my prayer that we may learn to serve God and each other with spirits of unity and harmony.
Lee and Jaime have a baby girl on Nov. 24. It was nice to see the whole family worshipping with us during the Christmas Celebration.
Lorsen and Jaime have a baby girl, Jubilee, on Dec. 15, Though unexpected early, both mom and daughter are doing great.
After much prayers and challenges, Akani’s father finally arrived from
Building Project Update
We have moved another step closer to obtaining the construction permit. The design teams finally were able to put all the necessary drawings together and submitted to the City of
January, 2006
Welcome to the Family
During the last Business Meeting, we accepted seven new members into our church family: Ruby, Ivy, Edward, Patrick and Kimmy (through baptism); Megan (transfer); and Kam Kee (application). Pray that the church will continue to have a positive atmosphere for them to grow.
Budget for 2006
During the same meeting, we also passed a resolution to adopt an annual budget of $373,374 for 2006, which translates to $29,448 per month. This budget excludes mortgage payment for the new sanctuary if erected in 2006. I would like to challenge you to give faithfully as taught in the Scriptures. Giving is an act of worship, love and obedience, and is also a channel for blessings.
We have a special Senior Day on January 28 (Saturday) from 10:00am to noon. It is health awareness service to check blood pressure, blood sugar level, Body Mass Index, health talks, etc. We will have nurses, a nutritionist, a diabetic specialist, pharmacists, and other health professionals to provide this service. This will be held in Cantonese, and is open for anyone to attend.
January, 2005
We had a great worship on Christmas Sunday. It has been awhile since we had a joint worship. From adoring the Creator-God to praising the Incarnated-God to anticipating His Second Coming, all God’s people “shouted for joy” with thankfulness. In the afternoon, six new-born Christians were baptized at Pastor Larry’s home. We prayed for nice weather, and God provided us with a sunny day. How amazing! Of all the baptismal services, I believe it was the biggest turnout. After the baptism, we listened to the life-changing testimonies. What a blessed day! Praise God!
New Year
With the new year coming, the church will be focusing on reaching out this year. To move into this direction, we have selected a theme “Living with a mission.” With His grace, God calls us into His Kingdom. Though we are saved by grace, through faith, we don’t want to take His grace for granted. It is true that we don’t have perform any duties to maintain our Salvation, otherwise, it will not be called “Grace.” Yet we don’t want to forget that though grace is free to us, it costed the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, anyone who is in His Kingdom needs to live with a mission. I pray that we will learn to do that this coming year.
On the pulpit, if the Lord’s willing, Pastor Larry plans to finish his expository preaching on the book of James, then preach a series on “The God we worship.” After that, he plans to preach on the book of Romans. May the Lord use the pulpit as a means for the spiritual growth of the flock.
January, 2004
New Theme for a New Year
The church theme for 2004 is “God’s Work God’s Way.” We plan to bring the church to learn how we can minister one another with a right attitude. Instead of focusing on the “task,” we focus on people’s needs. In order to do that, we will promote serving as a team. We’re encouraging the church to attend a special seminar on Team Ministry on January 16-17. We have over sixty people signed up to attend the Friday and Saturday sessions. We also plan to use Rick Warren’s new book Purpose Driven Life, as teaching material for part of Sunday school curriculum this year. I pray that we will learn to have mutual respect and support in glorifying God through serving one another.
We have invited the Roods (one of the missionaries we support) to come to share with us about their ministries in
Our Condolences
With great sadness, our brother Wing-Kei Lai went to be with the Lord. His funeral service was on December 27 in
January, 2003
Welcome to the Family
Last month, during the Special Business Meeting, the church accepted five new members. They are Cheung Chu, Jane, and Ron (through Baptism), Sharon (through application), and Shiu Yin (through transfer). We pray that they will continue to grow at Southbay.
New Changes
Starting this year, other than a few special Sundays, we have decided not to have joint worships. This decision was made based on the growth of the church. Our joint worship services have filled to capacity during the latter part of 2002. We thank God for this “good problem,” and look forward to the church building project to get underway.
The Church Council approved the budget for Year 2003, submitted by the different service departments. The total budget is $298,287.57, making a monthly average of $24,857.30. The members will vote on this budget during the Business Meeting on December 29.
We will be seeking to call an English Pastor/Minister during Year 2003 to shepherd the English Congregation. If you know of anyone who has a calling, please refer to Pastor Larry.
January, 2002
Welcome to the Family!
With much joy, I want to welcome the new members of our church family. During the Business Meeting on December 16, we accepted the following brothers and sisters as our family member: Ruth (baptism), Wing (baptism), Susanna (baptism), Paul (baptism), Mann (baptism), Kathy (baptism), Mary (application), Bill (transfer), Richard (application), Esther (application), Philip (transfer), Mary Ann (transfer), Wendy (transfer), and Mike (transfer). On December 23, we had the baptismal service at Pastor Larry’s home. It was indeed a joyous day.
Missions Update
The team of five that left for Cambodia for three weeks of Short Term Missions on December 16 had safely arrived to their destination. They will return on January 7, 2002. I will try to update their ministries from time to time.
Esther and Richard added another member to their family. Alexander arrived on November 16, a week before schedule. Both the mother and the baby are doing fine.